A Review of Liberian Lawyers' Perspectives on Establishing an Economic and War Crimes Court

A Review of Liberian Lawyers' Perspectives on Establishing an Economic and War Crimes Court

Arthur T. Johnson

35.99 €

The Liberian civil war was caused by a long train of abuses in the nation's governance. The Liberian civil war directly responded to the failure to address these political crises and abuses, which led to the loss of more than 400,000 lives in Liberia. After the civil conflict, Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was established to investigate and document the nature and extent of the civil strife. The TRC completed its mandate and recommendation, establishing an economic and war crimes court to prosecute alleged perpetrators of war crimes during the Liberian civil war. Among those calling for the establishment of an Economic and War Crimes Court in Liberia is the Liberian National Bar leadership. The question yet to be answered is whether establishing the economic and war crimes in Liberia is best to holistically heal the wounds of the conflict and reconcile the people of Liberia for genuine peace and stability.