Assessing farming impact on rural landscapes in Muyuka, SW Cameroon

Assessing farming impact on rural landscapes in Muyuka, SW Cameroon

Ngwatezeh Mantah Marian, Wirsiy Destain Yungsi

29.99 €

This paper examines the impact of agricultural practices on the physical landscape of Muyuka Sub-division in Cameroon. The majority of the population in this area is involved in primary activities, with agriculture being the main source of livelihood. The study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods, including the use of remotely sensed data and the administration of questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The findings reveal that agricultural practices have a more negative than positive impact on the physical landscape, with deforestation, erosion, and environmental degradation being major concerns. The paper suggests improving farming practices and implementing participatory development involving the government, NGOs, and local farmers to ensure the sustainability of agricultural activities and reduce the negative impacts on the physical landscape.