Bovine Trypanosomosis in Tsetse Free Adamawa Plateau of Cameroon

Bovine Trypanosomosis in Tsetse Free Adamawa Plateau of Cameroon

Sevidzem Silas Lendzele, Mamoudou Abdoulmoumini, Bouba Mohamadou, Jacques François Mavoungou

24.00 €

Bovine trypanosomosis remains an important cattle disease in the major cattle rearing Adamawa plateau of Cameroon. The Adamawa plateau harbors huge tsetse infested foci that are trypanosomosis endemic as well as some tsetse free belts (example in Ngaoundere), some of which are trypanosomosis hypoendemic. The major question is that what are the vectors transmitting trypanosomosis in the absence of tsetse in Ngaoundere? we conducted a parasitological, molecular and entomological survey at the abattoir and pasture areas to answer this key epidemiological question. Our parasitological survey at the abattoir resulted in the identification of Trypanosoma congolense, Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Trypanosoma vivax with highest infection prevalence recorded in cattle from the tsetse infested Mayo Rey division than in those from Vina Division. Regarding the molecular test results we identified Trypanosoma vivax, Trypanosoma Theileri, and Trypanosoma evansi in tabanids and Trypanosoma vivax and Trypanosoma theileri in cattle. The present findings indicates the important role of tabanids in the epizootiology of bovine trypanosomosis in the tsetse free zone of Ngaoundere. We recommend that tabanids should be included in the ongoing fly control operations in the Adamawa plateau.