With language at the center of interpretation and understanding, Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutics claims to provide a solution of the intercultural problem of language and hermeneutics. He moves us to a higher universality, especially with regard to literature or texts and inner meaning. If this is the case, his approach would be relevant to the problems present in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Hence the goal of this book is to apply this claim to universality to a hermeneutic or narrative text like Achebe’s. Achebe’s narrative text, like the Greek texts, is an excellent work for the application of universal hermeneutics. I am not questioning the validity of the universality of hermeneutics, but rather expressing how significant Gadamer’s approach is to understanding other people, cultural texts and worldviews if hermeneutics is universal. Gadamer provides the philosophical optimism and platform that most African scholars’ need in the interpretation and understanding of their own cultural texts and being understood by other non-African and European cultures and philosophical persuasions. Hermeneutics considers every text or people’s worldviews as interpretive or capable of communicating meaning despite being different, foreign or strange to us. The universality of hermeneutics at its best leads to a dialogic hermeneutics in a world of global understanding/peaceful co-existence.
Pages: | 294 |
Published: | 2020 |
ISBN: | 978-9975-3402-8-1 |
Language: | English |
Category: | Biography & Autobiography, Foreign Language Study, Philosophy, Psychology |
Tell us more about yourself, who is Dr. Stanley Uche Anozie?
I am an African-Canadian. I have always been interested in self-education through social learning or social interaction. Education or learning is all about addressing problems of humanity. We all share one thing in common—that is our humanity.
When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?
I first realised that I will be good in writing during my first year in university. I participated in a number of writing competitions for journalism/journalists, for philosophical and religious studies journals. At some point, I was elected an editorial board member of a theological/religious studies journal. I later became the editor-in-chief of Enwisdomization Forum Journal (for emerging scholars). This offered me opportunities to hone my writing and editing skills.
Your latest book is "Hans-Georg Gadamer and African Hermeneutic Philosophy". What is the message you want to convey to your readers?
I have been interested in Hans-Georg Gadamer and African Hermeneutic Philosophy for a long time. My earlier research in hermeneutic philosophy focused on: African Development: a philosophical interpretation. My subsequent hermeneutical philosophy project was focused on: Contemporary African Concept of the Human Person: Martin Buber’s I and Thou socio-philosophical interpretation (on intercultural understanding). I also made significant reference to African communitarian notion of person and the conditions for understanding International Human Rights (applied ethics and hermeneutics.) My current book therefore fits African Hermeneutic Philosophy in relation to Western culture /philosophy.
My message is: Gadamer provides the philosophical optimism and contemporary platform for African scholars in the interpretation and understanding of African cultural texts and being understood by other non-African cultures and philosophical persuasions. Hermeneutics considers every text or people’s worldviews as interpretive or capable of communicating meaning despite being different, foreign or strange to us, yet they have some truths to tell us. The universality of hermeneutics at its best leads to a dialogic hermeneutics in a world of global understanding/peaceful co-existence.
Who is this book for?
The target audiences for this book are: African scholars, graduate and undergraduate students in liberal arts/philosophy/humanities colleges and departments. This book will benefit non-Western scholars/students who are interested in dialoguing with other cultures/worldviews through interpretation and discourse on language. Many students (non-Western and Western/European students or scholars) in Comparative Philosophy, Philosophy of Diversity, Indigenous Philosophy or Multicultural Philosophy have longed to appreciate African worldviews through language or narrative philosophy as essential aspects of African Philosophical Thought or African Philosophical Studies, or even African Hermeneutics of Political Belongingness Studies.
How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends on the nature of the subject matter. It also depends on the urgency of the issues under consideration. Most philosophical problems need time for one to truly understand the nature of the source (s) and the textures (different ways) on how they affect our common humanity.
What is the best piece of advice you can give people about life?
Live your best at all times! Live with a sense of mutual recognition of the other person and with the sense of belongingness.
Describe Generis Publishing in a few words.
An exciting publishing house! Ready to get things going! Service at its best!
What would be your word of encouragement for a new author?
Find out what motivates you. Focus on your motives!