Legal Obligations and Challenges to Manage Nile Transboundary Waters

Legal Obligations and Challenges to Manage Nile Transboundary Waters

Sylvester Anthony Matemu

44.99 €

This textbook tries to examine the main issues surrounding the legal obligations and challenges based on facts on the ground. The efficient and equitable utilization of the waters of the Nile River has become an increasingly contentious issue, with many of the riparian countries demanding a revision of what they believe is an inappropriate legal regime. The book has five chapters starting with chapter one giving an introduction of Nile basin and its water resources, chapter two provides for the legal overview touching on general principles of transboundary water law and the evolution of Nile river basin cooperative framework (CFA), chapter three provides for the role of national water law in the basin countries that defines their water entitlement and allocation of uses. Also it touches on interface between national and international water law practice; chapter four is a must to the reader. It provides clear understanding of legal obligations and challenges in the Nile basin countries to manage Nile waters and chapter five of this book gives roadmap of efforts, endeavors, expectations, future outlook, opportunities, lessons and conclusions.
Category:Law, Politics