Antanas Buracas, Ed.-in-Chief, Fellow at World Innovation Foundation & Lithuanian Acad. Sciences, Hon Prof. M. Romeris University:
This book is a result of continuing 40 years researches in sustainable development of contemporary societies. The research group of Intl Institute of Applied Systems Analysis and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences started in 1982 with a project of regional modelling of long-run sustainable development. Then me and my colleague dr. Rutkauskas, we proposed the idea of universal sustainability including, together with ecological sustainability, also the sustainability of social infrastructure. Now, last decade, the transfer within half a century from Peccei‘s green sustainability notion to universal sustainability concept at the level of the UN and WEF outlining the World in 2050 policy tasks was of substantial methodical importance and influenced wide metaeconomic multiple criteria researches.
We, coauthors, want to thank the team of Generis Publishing who benevolently edited our book within a month, and especially Ms. Anna Rothman. The editors accepted rather complicated (many color diagrams, formulas and tables) manuscript and succeeded to prepare it for printing (the only wish would be bigger font size for potential readers).
Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas, Prof. Emeritus in finance mathematics, Vytautas Magnus University:
The main attention in the book is given to the formation of stochastic network model of universal sustainability for country development by matching its perspective interests, allocation of disposable resources a/o characteristics of complex adaptive systems within integrative globalization and uncertainty preconditions.
Margarita Starkeviciute, External expert, European Parliamentary Research Services:
1. My long-time research is focused on the growth of the economy during the transition (published in 2001). Since 2007, ... adjusted it to the digital environment. In 2008-2009 I led the European Parliament dossier on EU broad economic guidelines. It was foreseen a different projection for the 3 years for the economic policy after the financial crisis than it actually was implemented. I wrote the article to find out the impact on the growth of this new strategy - fiscal tightening and monetary easing [under universal sustainability].
2. Simple message look at basics and put a human being in the center of all decisions.
3. Key challenges were to evaluate the impact of digitalization on the economy as not so much empirical data was available given a short period of digital economy functioning.
4. Just not to damage what was found coming to the world and leave for other generation better world. It would be good to think about what could be your contribution to this better world.