Impact of Work-life Balance on Job Performance in Selected Sri Lankan Banks

Impact of Work-life Balance on Job Performance in Selected Sri Lankan Banks

Dr. Lishanthi Wijewardene, Prof. Dinoka Perera

25.99 €

This study attempts to identify the impact of work-life balance on job performance of executives in selected Sri Lankan banks. To achieve the main purpose, three hypotheses were developed and tested in a non-contrived setting. The study was cross-sectional in time and the sample size of this study was 200 executives who are working in selected banks in Sri Lanka. Data was collected by administering a structured questionnaire which consists of 27 statements with a five- point Likert scale. The unit of analysis was at individual level and the pilot study was conducted to check the validity and reliability of the constructs. The findings of the analysis disclosed that work-life balance has a significant impact on job performance and all hypotheses were accepted. It is concluded that the success of job performance of the executive employees depends on work-life balance.
Category:Business & Economics, Economic Conditions