Implementation of Collaborative Learning Model to Improve Student 4CS Skills

Implementation of Collaborative Learning Model to Improve Student 4CS Skills

Wahyuddin, S.Pd.,M.Pd., Maharida Manindar

25.99 €

This research aims to improve students' 4Cs skills by applying collaborative learning models to Mathematics Education students at Unismuh Makassar. To achieve this goal, this research uses a one-group pretest-posttest experimental research design which consists of four stages, namely (1) Preparation: conducting an inductive study of the problem, studying relevant literature and sources and making a research plan, compiling and validating instruments study; (2) Implementation: pre-test administration, treatment with 5 meetings, post-test administration, and data collection; (3) Data analysis: Reduction and analysis of data through descriptive analysis and inferential one sample t-test; (4) Drawing conclusions: analysis and evaluation to get an accurate picture in drawing the right conclusions.
Category:Education, Learning