Public Health Governance Regarding Local Development and Facing the Risk Society

Public Health Governance Regarding Local Development and Facing the Risk Society

Cruz Garcia Lirios, Javier Carreon Guillen, Jorge Hernandez Valdes

35.99 €

In this book, the reader will find relevant information and findings for the construction of a Public Health policy that would start from the reception and care of migrants, through health campaigns, to the training of cadres according to their beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes toward diseases, patients and professionals of Public Health. In addition, this text includes reviews of the state of knowledge that will allow us to understand the influence of Public Health programs on their professionals. Thus, the human capital of hospitals and Public Health centers is a fundamental part of the stability of the care system and its preventive subsystems and additives to treatment and rehabilitation. This work is essential to anticipate scenarios of social welfare, Public Health, or, where appropriate, warns of the emergence of institutional and organizational problems that impact the quality of Public Health Services.