Emerging Uses of Sarcophyte Piriei Against Human Pathogens

Emerging Uses of Sarcophyte Piriei Against Human Pathogens

Dennis Jack Opwoko

31.99 €

Antimicrobial resistance is gradually increasing and if not contained, it will pose a huge worldwide threat on public health. Hence, there is need for continuous search and development of potent antimicrobial agents for the treatment of infectious diseases. In the recent past, plants have shown that they are prospect agent for antimicrobial activity because of their immense phytochemical constituents. The challenges facing the utilization of ethnomedicine are lack of sufficient studies to ascertain their therapeutic use. Sarcophyte is a holoparasite plant and trophic guild parasite. It has a vital medicinal value in managing various disorders. This book purposes to offer a complete rundown literature regarding Sarcophyte genus: phylogeny, medicinal values, phytochemistry and toxicity. Sarcophyte piriei has been utilized customarily to manage a variety of disorders among Africans for ages. It is employed to treat diseases but is not limited to sores, bruises, sore throat, swollen glands, toothache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, shingles, cancer, snake bites and menstrual disorders. Contributors of the book are Prof. Joseph Mwanzia Nguta, Dr. Timothy Wachira and Dr. Isaac O. Mapenay.