Okavango Delta - Desert Jewel

Okavango Delta - Desert Jewel

Chandraskara Naidu Kurugundla, Sekgowa Motsumi

64.99 €

Okavango Delta - Desert Jewel” sits in the Kalahari sands. This Delta is made up of wetlands in north-western Botswana, has its catchment in Angola. The Delta has active relationship between climatic, hydrological, and biological processes. The main river, the Okavango, is split into five major distributaries, which are reed-papyrus-hippograss-sediment controlled with vast floodplains. The vegetation filters dissolved substances, leaving the water clean and safe to drink. Before discussing government and other institutions’ monitoring; the state of the water quality, river-restricted takeoffs and vegetation blockages in the channels, biodiversity, and its potential for tourism; the book begins by explaining how the Delta functions. The eradication of the tsetse fly and the effective control of the exotic invasive weed salvinia, which have maintained the ecological-human balance, are also covered in the book.