Oriented Spray Cooling System for Spray Pond Heat Dissipation and Evaporation

Oriented Spray Cooling System for Spray Pond Heat Dissipation and Evaporation

Charles F. Bowman

54.99 €

Spray ponds offer significant advantages over mechanical draft cooling towers for waste heat rejection including superior simplicity and operability, lower preferred power requirements, and lower capital and maintenance costs. Unlike a conventional spray pond in which spray nozzles are arranged in a flatbed and water is sprayed upward, the Oriented Spray Cooling System (OSCS) is an evolutionary spray pond design in which nozzles are mounted on spray trees arranged in a circle and are tilted at an angle oriented towards the center of the circle. As a result, each nozzle is exposed to essentially ambient air as water droplets drag air into the spray region while the warm air concentrated in the center of the circle rises. These effects work together to increase airflow through the spray region. Increased airflow reduces the local wet-bulb temperature of the air in the spray pattern, promoting heat transfer and more efficient cooling.