Slikovito / Picturesque Jezersko

Slikovito / Picturesque Jezersko

Milenko Roš

35.99 €

EN The beautiful Slovenian town of Jezersko lies between the Kamnik-Savinja Alps in the southeast and Virnikov Grintovec and Pristavški Storžič in the west. The place is known for its extraordinary natural attractions, cultural heritage, and many mountain adventures. In addition, it is known for its special mineral water, sights and mountain lodges, and many smaller hotels, inns and bio-farms. It is worth visiting Jezersko at any time of the year, as it is interesting because of the alpine lake in summer and winter because of winter sports such as skating, alpine skiing and cross-country skiing. The book contains short descriptions of individual sights.
SLO Lepo slovensko mesto Jezersko leži med Kamniško-Savinjskimi Alpami na jugovzhodu ter Virnikovim Grintovcem in Pristavškim Storžičem na zahodu. Kraj je znan po naravnih znamenitostih, kulturni dediščini in gorskih dogodivščinah, po posebni mineralni vodi, planinskih domovih ter številnih manjših hotelih, gostilnah in bio kmetijah. Jezersko je vredno obiskati v vsakem letnem času, saj je poleti zanimivo zaradi alpskega jezera, pozimi pa zaradi zimskih športov. Knjiga vsebuje kratke opise posameznih znamenitosti.

Who are you, in a nutshell?

I am a retired researcher and a big fan of photography and travel.

Your latest book is entitled "Slikovito/Picturesque Jezersko". What is the message you want to convey to the readers?

The book's main point is to get to know Jezersko and think about traveling around Slovenia and the world to know new places and customs.

Who is this book for?

The book is intended for domestic and foreign tourists traveling in Slovenia and Europe.

How long does it take you to write a book?

I wrote the book for a year, but I have been collecting material for the book for over 30 years.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Most of my books are from the professional field (water protection), and some are from travels around the world.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

The most surprising thing about creating my books is the additional study of the subject I am writing about.

What would be your word of encouragement for a new author?

Get an idea of the story you want to write, start thinking about it, prepare the book's structure, start writing, and delve into its content all the time.