A Pedagogical Based Approach to Teaching English Pronunciation

A Pedagogical Based Approach to Teaching English Pronunciation


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A Pedagogical Based Approach to Teaching English Pronunciation is the outcome of several years of my lecturing experiences, research supervision at Marien N’Gouabi University. A cross analysis of English language teaching shows that if worldwide English learners can write some good English, but they cannot speak some good English. This is resultative to the priorities and methods used. English is worldwide taught for exams; hence, grammar, reading comprehension and writing tasks are top priorities when speaking skills are orphan and neglected. Starting from Dakin (1973) Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) teaching method, I reviewed its critics developed in terms of ESA (Harmer and Rossner, 1991), OHE (Lewis, 1993), ARC (Scrivener, 1994), TBLT (Willis, 1994), and III (McCarthy and Carter, 1995) to show the pros and the cons. English worldwide teaching is subject to controversies based on methods highlighting English pronunciation taught on a purely scientific terminology or under a contrastive analysis. I conclude that many things appear more theoretical and there is the lack of didactic transposition, what the present book stands as a contribution.